Tuesday, February 14, 2012

King of the Herd

New and completely fake terms are being coined. That monster group of whitefish you see huddled around a big trout. That's a herd. And that big trout flanked by those pesky whitefish is the King of the Herd. A day of fishing with the False Casts Flat Tires (FCFT) crew on the Bitterroot. It was generally slow with the exception of the 22" cutbow that Zach hooked and Anthony miraculously netted. We found some pike in some shallow backwater. All of us stung one, none of us caught one. That goal will have to wait. Watch it in HD on vimeo.

Music: Soul Position "Run (Instrumental)"

King of the Herd from Yukon Goes Fishing on Vimeo.


Unknown said...

for a second there, at 0:57, I thought your bud was eating a stone! Nice cutbow, looked bigger than 22", so you have that goin for ya~ mike

Mark + Wiz said...

Moldy Chum Son!

mike doughty said...

that's a big ol' fish with a jacked up mouth

Unknown said...

all hail the king.

Allison said...

Great video!

chaveecha said...

And how long did you keep that fish out of the water for your video glorification? That fish should have stayed in the water, period. This video represents a lot of what is wrong with our so-called sport.

yukon said...

@chaveecha - if i had to estimate, the fish was out of the water for around 30 to 45 seconds, split up into three different 10 to 15 second sessions with 30 second to one minute recovery time in the net between sessions. I certainly understand your point. Thanks for stopping by and offering your opinion. cheers.

yukon said...

@royal wulff/mike - now that you say that, it does look like he is munching on skwala nymphs. It was taped (in the water) and was 22" on the nose. Thick though which I think adds to the apparent size.

yukon said...

@Mark + Wiz - i know. super cool.

yukon said...

@mike - i think some local treble hooked spin fisherman may have caught this fish when it was a wee 6 inches.

Sportfishing said...

Great review Even the video is amazing that fish should have stayed in the water, period.

yukon said...

@sportfishing - thanks, wait, what? http://www.anglingadventures.com.au/Fishing_Tours/hyperspace_sport_fishing_tours_-_qld_fishing_trip

Clif said...

blah blah 22 inches blah blah.

Going back to the shallows with wire?

yukon said...

@clif g. - blah blah blah blah. maybe. and by maybe, I mean yes. And by yes, I mean this weekend. I am bringing the big gaudy pike flies with me.

Dub The Thorax said...

Amazing as usual. Damn that log had some bugs!

Travis said...

yeah! Ivan the videos get better and better, stonefly shot was cool, and awesome fish!

Anonymous said...

Love the videos. Really like what you're doing. Loved the stone on the lens.

Darren said...

Love the videos and the wish lists.

OutsmartingFish said...

Good tunes and good edit. I enjoyed it! Watching those fish scatter was fun too.

wicker storage baskets said...

Great video!

Sanders said...

I'm with Travis, that stonefly shot was nice! Well done sir...as always!

Sportfishing said...

Amazing videos....The shots are really nice and impressive.

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Silver and Gold from Yukon Goes Fishing on Vimeo.

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