Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Favorite Hats. What About You Favorite Fishing Shirt?

There are a lot of quality, breathable, quick-drying fishing shirts on the market. When it comes to my favorite fishing shirt, I completely disregard all of those desirable qualities and opt for irony.

I opt for my embroidered Rainbow Trout Deerskin Soft Chamois All-Season Weight Cabela's long-sleeve shirt. A gift from my father when I first got into fly fishing, it sat in my closet for a couple of years. But, when I discovered the joy of carping this summer, I figured what better time to wear a thick, warm, and rainbow trout-ed long sleeve shirt when on the warm water flats chasing common carp. It has served me well and has brought me some of my larger carp this summer. Sometimes the least comfortable fishing shirts are the best.

Favorite Carping Shirt - photo courtesy of SchnitzerPHOTO

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Glass Carp - New YGF Video

GLASS IS NOT DEAD. Went after some Colorado carp with a Kabuto 805 fiberglass fly rod courtesy of The Fiberglass Manifesto's Rod Loan Program. If you haven't fished glass before, try it.


Glass Carp from Yukon Goes Fishing on Vimeo.

Watch in HD on vimeo.

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Silver and Gold from Yukon Goes Fishing on Vimeo.

for more YGF videos
