YGF has been a little quiet of late. Between working on videos for The Fly Collective, fishing, and taking care a new addition, coming up with new content for the blog has been a slight issue. Said new addition is a now four-month old Border Collie-Lab/German Shepherd-Lab/German Shepherd-Border Collie/Kelpie-Lab/Kelpie-Border Collie (take your pick...only time will tell) mix, my girlfriend and I picked up from a local rescue group in late January. For at least five years, I have been the dog equivalent to the stereotypical baby-crazy woman (or man, I guess) who greets and engages with every random strangers' dog within 500 feet of my person for awkward lengths of dog-Ivan interaction.
Whatever breed Bosley is, he certainly is high energy, intelligent, and friendly. But, like all puppies he is a bit of a
$hithead. I am looking forward to sharing the water with the Boz. In his first couple months with us, he has already made it out on the water a couple of times and met a trout or two. Each successive trip out, his interest in my pursuit of trout seems to strengthen. More importantly, he has already shown an impressive amount of respect/fear of the water. I will cultivate that. Here is an excessive photo dump of the Boz dog. Any tips or tricks are welcome in the comments or via email.
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Bosley's first day as part of the YGF family |
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The dog enjoys snow days |
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Post snow day |
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One ear up, one ear down. The LL Cool J of ears. |
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YGF and Jr. enjoy some of Colorado's best |